1. One more time we recommend you to acquaint with the safety code and present manual.

2. Unpack HDM and musical instrument.

3. Unscrew nuts on the lower cover, invert the instrument, and put it with keyboard toward you.

4. With the help of the fastener (from the package) strengthen the hard disk according to the pictures.

5. Disconnect the informational flat cable and power cable of the floppy disk.

6. To the orifice indicated on the photo screw the plug of the control panel with the fastener.

7. Connect control panel's cable. Connect the informational flat cable to the plate and controller.

8. Connect control panel's cable. Disconnect the power cable from the floppy disk and connect it to HDM.

9. Connect the floppy disk to HDM by the flat cable from the package. Red wire of the flat cable should be on a left-hand side on HDM and on a right hand-side on the floppy disk.

10. Once again carefully check a regularity of mounting and assembly. Accurately set up the instrument, overturn it, connect the control panel and check serviceability of the instrument and HDM. If everything is OK then you may begin to screw the nuts.

11. To check the serviceability you should:

a) connect the control panel to a control jack.

b) connect the power supply unit to the instrument, and after that hook it up (~220V).

c) switch on the instrument.

d) the hard disk's space is divided in banks (virtual diskettes). Each bank corresponds to one virtual diskette and has a capacity of 1,6 mb. Their amount depends on volume of the HDM. Number of bank is displayed on the indicator of the control panel (CP) and is selected by CP's buttons. Number 00 corresponds to work with the disk drive of the synthesizer. Numbers 01-ÕÕ correspond to banks (virtual diskettes). The right button of CP increases number of bank, left - reduces. Simultaneous pressing both buttons - transition to 00. The blinking of the indicator means, that the choice is accepted. Flashing point specifies access to the HDM. After you've switched on CP figures 1, 2, 3 should sequentially light up. It means that devices are ready for operation.

12. Fasten the lower cover of the instrument.

13. Fasten the PC card of the plug MInIDIN.

14. Set up and use.
